Wednesday 25 January 2012

Be Right Back

There has been a lot going on for me and the hubby recently. Everything is all over the place as we're decorating and getting ready to move home. Now now, I am not neglecting you - I will be back! We just have some house viewings to get out the way, some packing to do then I can follow more stuff up with a clear head rather than being rushed.

So I will update soon with The Vitamin Masquerade Part III and get all that info in about how to spot your real vitamins from your synthetic, do some organic food reviews and lots more!

Love your cervix! Love your body and be kind to your mind! xx

Friday 20 January 2012

My Plea

I beg you ladies if you feel that something is not right for you DO NOT let ANYONE bully you to do what they want! Sure you may think your doctor knows it all but if something is not sitting right and you don’t feel confidence in what you are being told it is your right to question, your right to decide what advice you do and don’t use, it’s yours to get information and your right over your body!
It is your body, mind and cervix and if you feel someone is going to use it, manipulate it in anyway then I implore you, stand your ground for what you feel is the correct choices for yourself! That doctor won’t be there if they mess things up, that nurse won’t be there when you need a shoulder to cry on.
I am not saying don’t get checks, I think you should as it is good to know what’s going on with yourself but please make informative choices for yourself, for your life!
Love to you all, peace to your mind and wellness to your body, mind and cervix.
Clover xx

Cancelling An Appointment - How Hard Can It Be?

Got a reminder letter from the hospital today about the booking they auto booked me for to have my cervix sliced at. Not a nice way to put it but it’s not a nice thing! I have to be honest that I have been putting off calling. From that initial colposcopy appointment and knowing their view and attitude on things I was not looking forward to talking to anyone in that department. I knew they would try pressure play to get me to keep the appointment and try effectively bullying me into going.

Thankfully when I rang I got the answer phone so I left a message and that was that! So I thought! Till I got a call back and very fast I must add from The Secretary of The Specialist I’d seen. By fast I mean literally within 6 minutes of me cancelling the appointment as well as saying in the message I have no intention of rescheduling one. How did the call go? As I thought! All pressure and full on! The amount of cutting me off and talking over me that this lady did was all a bid to spam me with “fearfearfearfearfear don’t think just be scared come do what we say”. I think it’s disgusting! Again, this is another thing I worry about is how many women that this has worked on!  Here it is how the call went:-

Sunday 15 January 2012

The Vitamin Masquerade Part II

To understand what’s in the bottle you need to know how it’s made. If you don’t want to be bored with the technicalities of why your vitamins are not ‘real’ (for want of a better word) and you want to know how to spot the posers from the natural beauties then you can skip past this post and just go have a look at the next blog entry. For those more curious sorts you best make a cuppa and click read more for the what's-what-where.

The Vitamin Masquerade

All right, to be honest with you I had a feeling that I would find this out. Just about everything we know is not a ‘true form’ or from a ‘true source’ and synthetics are all around us. So why not synthesise vitamins and minerals right? What makes me ponder is the fact that we can do that – mimic and structure something how we want it, engineer it – but how have we not come up with replicators like they have in Startrek? Now that would be handy! Anyway, sorry, off on a tangent there…

The point being that all the Holland and Barrett vitamins I bought (around £80 worth) are binned. In my bid to keep away from unnatural ingredients it’s something I had to do. I cringed as the tablets fell into the bin but I am ‘organified’ (my own term here) remember. What to do now? I need supplements and sure, I do eat very well, I love fruit and veg but just need that top up. Back to researching for me and I found out a lot of stuff about what goes in to what we think are vitamins that’ll keep us happy and healthy yet, quite possibly, don’t and if anything make us less healthy (though a less happy factors not been measured).
I’m looking into a company right now that makes vitamins from whole foods. Rather than ‘isolating’ the vitamin or creating it in a lab or a petri dish (the two ways that many are made) this company essentially extracts the vitamins from the whole food and doesn’t alter it chemically or biologically. So loads of researching to do – updates when I have them bloggyblog!

Monday 9 January 2012

No Pill So What Now?

When deciding to come off of the contraceptive pill I my hubby and I had to think about what we were going to do.* *I include my hubby in this decision after all when you are married everything either one of you does, affects the other. We believe we’re a unit though two separate bodies. Sure it’s my body having these changes but to pull through then I need not only my efforts but his too.

Condoms are the conclusion that we came to. I know, I know, very ‘old skool’ but we looked into methods of contraception and we’re gone for the choice of non-spermicide (so no chemicals) and latex-free condoms (I'm allergic to latex). Review about those later! But for anyone that wants to read about the other options to the pill (after all, the choice is yours) then you can from here on Netdoctor My thoughts on what's available out there? You know the drill - click read more for more...

Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year

Any resolutions? None! I made a resolution many moons ago to never make any and that’s the one I’ve successfully stuck to. See, the way I see it is life changes day by day, week by week, etc. So it’s all well and good to make yourself a neat little list but when you can’t fulfil what’s on it for whatever reason then all you get is stress. Stress is bad mmm-kay!

Live life with an outcome in mind is what I say! And that's happiness and good health!

Blessings to you for the year ahead! =)