Wednesday 30 November 2011

Reversing Cervical Dyskaryosis/ Dysplasia

Before I go muddling my blog entries I want to tidy one thing up. Part of the reason I started this blog! Hur hur! I have said a lot about changing my diet and elements in my environment to reverse my cervical dyskaryosis / dysplasia and not gone in depth about how and the what-what. So in line with going organic, this ties in.

Food. Love it, hate it, think of it as a chore – we all need it. Food and nutrients are the first major change I have been reading about to make a change for the better. I’ve always been a keen foodie. There is not much that I won’t put in my mouth (I know how dirty that sounds, yes thank you!) save for brussel sprouts and peas. I just love so much about it! The taste, the smell, how you can cook so many different things in different ways – it’s just wonderful! Fair enough I, like anyone, have to watch what I eat and how much but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying each meal.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Diet Change Ramblings

It has begun! I've already started doing some of the things I need to and how do I feel for it? Pretty good actually! I used to want to have a nap every day for an hour, would feel drained from work and all sorts and so have my little lie down before tackling the next half of my day. But now I got to say that when I nap, it's been more cause I want to. Cause I do like my bed. I do like curling up for a cuddle with The Hubby and having The Overseer at our feet (that's our cat by the way) and snoozing a little snooze!

So what's the uber change all about? It's all about getting more of what is good for me and less of the bad. That simple? Not really. Cause in doing this, one thing is that it's meant going organic and that's been a bit of a chore! There's so much I did not know about orgainc food and products, where to get it, how do you tell if it really is organic and why go organic anyway? The price, what to do with what is in the cupboard already and could it all be just a con (a smart way of supermarkets charging more for the same food)? There was much I needed to look in to and I did. What did I find? Going to get that down in another blog entry! Sorry but work is calling!

Have a happy day! =)

Saturday 26 November 2011

The Plan

The Plan? No I am most certainly not a Cylon! Guffaw! Anywho...I have waffled and ranted about a lot of stuff here and figure that its time that I got my plan of action down. First, an update about how goes things – not much to tell you. I had my colposcopy on 11 November 2011 and the punch biopsy was done and no results from that yet. I called yesterday about when I could expect to get them and I was told 6 weeks. So that’s ever so nice it falls the week before Christmas =/
Now then, my plan is to reverse my CIN3/ cervical dyskaryosis/ dysplasia by means of diet, exercise and environment changes. What I’ve found out about this, and more, is mind blowing! Again, so much we don’t know, such little information we are given down to what is lurking in your toothpaste tube. Oh yeah! Some real nasty’s in that bugger!
The simple version of it is here…

My Eyes! My Eyeeess!

Dear Bloggyblog,
         Sorry I have neglected you for a while but my computer eye strain has been killing me! My eye feels like it will explode if I look at a monitor longer than I need to. So, note to self is to get anti-glare coating on specs or an anti-glare filter screen for my screen.

Le sigh!
Wub and hugs, Clover, xx

Sunday 20 November 2011


Right! Off work now for two days. Huzzah! While I got time *cracks knuckles* I have been thinking. Don’t worry, I did not strain myself! While sucking the life out of a vitamin sweetie (still trying to kick the cheese, boo!) I realise that I have written a lot! Sheesh! A few posts and I have crammed them! So I figure, a little recap might be in order. Here’s a picture of The Overseer (our cat), read more link is below…

More Soon

Sorry bloggyblog! I am swamped! Phew! Work days go on pretty much all day for me and when I'm done I don't want to look at a monitor anymore. Instead I look at my telly and bash out my stresses on the PS3. Ha! I will post a decent blog post soon, promise!

Friday 18 November 2011

Day One - Vitamins

Just so I have a track of when I started this I thought where best to put it? I know! Bloggyblogblog! Today is the first day of starting to take vitamin supplements in an attempt to reverse my cervical dysplasia/ dyskayosis. When I'm not on call with work I will update what I have found out about change of diet, vitamins and lifestyle to reverse dysplasia.

Today is also the day I'm keeping an eye out for the postman like a hungry hound as I am expecting my biospy results. When they will come I really don't know. I know my mum's took a week but I have read reports online that say anything from one week to ten. TEN! I know! How stressful? And what's worse is imagine waiting ten weeks to then be told you have something very wrong with you? Infuriating!

So what am I taking? Click read more to find out! =)

Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Secrets-Out and Burning

In my searching for answers I came across a site that gives detailed information and advice on Marvelon. An oral contraceptive that I was on. So ladies, what are you not being told? Click read more to know some of what you are not being told!

The Pill for Changes

Hey there blog world! I’m on my last day off, back to work tomorrow. Boo! What I thought I would do today is follow on from yesterday’s blog about the contraceptive pill. In my quest to find out why my smear results came out as they did and as abnormal results, I started to ask myself “Did me being on the pill affect my smear test result?”

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Coming Down, Crashing Fast-The Pill

I know. I KNOW! Another blog entry for today. What can I say? It's my day off and I figure that while things are fresh in my mind it's best to get it down. And I am sort of going for a prequel to the pap smear result and all that here.

In my last post I blogged about how I took myself off the pill. But what happened? There is so much out there about side effects to expect while on the pill, but nothing official about when you come off the pill. The only stuff I could find was from women’s' forums online and health chat forums where people were sharing their, what I started to call, 'come down symptoms'.

Colder in Here Than Out-Doctors

Doctor's surgery, in his office, a few months before my letter inviting me to my pap smear (and a few months before the shocker of a result). I decided to have a bit of a chit-chat with him about The Pill (contraceptive pill that is if you want me to be pedantic about things).

Me: "Doctor, I have been on the pill now for about 7 years and I have been wondering about the health affects it might have in the long term. Maybe I should explore an alternative means of contraception?"
Doctor: "I don't deal with womanly sorts of issues. You will need to make an appointment to see the female doctor if you want to chat about that!"
Me: *jaw on floor* "Okay...well urrmm...thank you for your time." *still picking up jaw off of floor while exiting his office*

About Me, This Blog and Cheese

Let me open this blog with telling you a little bit about myself. You can call me Clover. I'm 25 years old, married, live in England with my wonderful husband and our kitty. The name I go by here is Clover Voyeur-Xi and it is an anagram for "love your cervix". Pretty funky right? My life centres around some key people who I will indulge you with details about later. But for now, let me get to the reason why I started this blog.