Monday 9 January 2012

No Pill So What Now?

When deciding to come off of the contraceptive pill I my hubby and I had to think about what we were going to do.* *I include my hubby in this decision after all when you are married everything either one of you does, affects the other. We believe we’re a unit though two separate bodies. Sure it’s my body having these changes but to pull through then I need not only my efforts but his too.

Condoms are the conclusion that we came to. I know, I know, very ‘old skool’ but we looked into methods of contraception and we’re gone for the choice of non-spermicide (so no chemicals) and latex-free condoms (I'm allergic to latex). Review about those later! But for anyone that wants to read about the other options to the pill (after all, the choice is yours) then you can from here on Netdoctor My thoughts on what's available out there? You know the drill - click read more for more...

The Coil (IUD) and that was like some medieval torture device! Not to mention the chance of infection being so high. I don't feel comfortable with the information I read from a leaflet from my Nurse Practioner (remember I mentioned this visit) where it says how normal it is to get an infection after these procedures. I don't think it should be normal at all!
There are the Contraceptive Injections and instant no on that! My brain snapped "HELLO! Trying to get away from synthetic hormones!" The Contraceptive Implant (inserted into the arm) falls into that category too and wow, the stuff I’ve read made my skin crawl! Women have said how they were reassured to no end about it but when they experienced side effects that they couldn’t cope with and wanted it removed they were told all manner of excuses as to why it can’t be taken out and urged to “try tolerating it longer you'll be fine”. So aside from it being synthetic hormones that I am getting away from, I didn’t like the idea of that at all!
I’d very much like to try the totally natural method, Rythem Method, which would be charting my cycle and using the Rythem Method but while my cycle is still stabilizing after coming off the pill I think it would be a bit of a fail-plan to try this.
Of course there is the choice to get Sterilized. No! No way on earth! I'm only 25 years old and though we're not ready to have children, nor do we know if we want them, I really would rather not go this route just incase we start to cluck one day. Neither would I want my husband's bits being chopped at for fear of the complications that arise from male-sterilisation such as impotence. Not trying to be crude here but I love our nookie-fun-time! I did before coming off The Pill but now I'm off it, let's just say that the poor hubby might need a holiday to a Buddist Monk Retreat some time alone *wink*

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