Saturday 24 December 2011

Biopsy Results - Early Xmas

I don't think think I can express how happy I am right now. I actually got my biopsy results today (total shock they were only a day late) and I do NOT have cancer! A very Merry Christmas to me!

The results are CIN 2 (moderate abnormal cell changes) and I've been automatically appointed for treatment on Jan 30th. Which let me stress right now - I am not going for! Why? Because this is confirmation that my CIN 3 dyskaryosis (dysplasia) is reversing!

My initial result was CIN 3 and the biopsy says CIN 2. This is amazing! And totally contradicts the specialist I saw during my colposcopy who told me that "there was no way CIN 3 can change" - here we have it. CIN 3 that apparently doesn't revert, has!

*happy dance*


  1. As I said, GREAT news! So what's your plan now? Have you told them you're not having treatment? Will you just go for another smear in 6 months to see how things are then? Lis

  2. Hi! How you doing? Hope you had a good Xmas and start to the New Year? I am yet to call them and tell them I'm not going but I can already imagine what they will say *cringe*. That is indeed my plan - to get another smear in 6 months time and see how things are then. All being well things should have down graded and if not, at least stayed the same. I'm willing to work at things naturally for at least a year because I know different people heal differently so I'm very interested in seeing how it swings for me. Sorry I didn't reply this sooner - the spam filter sent your comment to spam and didn't notify me of anything so found this as was clicking about blindly. Lol! x x
