Wednesday 7 December 2011

Why Go Organic?

The why for me to change to all organic food is because when I have looked into what could cause cervical changes I've been reading a lot of articles saying that one theory is that the reason for an increase in numbers of cancers in the developing world is because of how our food is grown and what goes in to it. Also how our household and beauty products are made too! More on that later, right now, my fav topic - food!

Seems that the age old saying of "you are what you eat" really applies. If you eat non-organic food, grown with growth hormones and/ or pesticides then well, that is getting in to you and your body is working that crap into your system (to be Blunt but don’t worry, I can be Frank too *see what I did there?*). Bearing in mind, all that we eat isn't just a case of "Nom nom that tastes nice!" and is very much the case of you eat, your body uses the vitamins and minerals for cell repair, growth, blood health etc etc - then its worrying to think about the amount of bad stuff I was taking in on a day-to-day basis. Thus, I have opted to “eat clean”.

Going organic means that you are not going to be eating foods that are GM (genetically modified), have growth hormones or pesticides used in any of its production. So health wise, it is better for you.

If you are worried about the treatment of animals and are a meat eater like myself, then animals reared on organic certified farms are treated a lot better. They are not caged and made to live stacked hip to hip, rear to rear and on top of each other. The majority are free range and in poor weather conditions are barn sheltered. Some might think I have a silly and hippy like way of thinking about it but just because I’m eating meat, doesn’t mean I want it to live in suffering and abysmal conditions. I respect nature, this earth and we live because if it and what it gives us. It deserves our respect.

In making the change I have also found that we have less waste. Yes organic food is pricier but when you set yourself a budget like we did then it’s not really a shock-horror figure added to what you spend already. But, with it you find yourself not pouring the pasta into the pot willy-nilly anymore but actually asking yourself how much you need and measuring it out. We have seen that we are no longer accumulating left overs in the fridge and throwing out stuff that’s long been forgotten about.

Personally I have found that I am fuller as well. I have less on my plate but I feel full (not bursting, just comfy full). Also, it tastes so much better! I cannot express how much more tasty organic food is! Maybe that’s all cause its not injected with all sort of scary things to plump it up. No, no, I don’t mean water. That is the lesser of evils. Try ammonia. Yeah you know the stuff! The stuff that we urinate cause it is waste and bad for our body thus why we piddle it away. Yup! That stuff! Commonly injected in to beef as it is believed to kill E. Coli and salmonella. You don’t have to put that in beef to prevent that but is an easy and cheap solution. So before you buy regular beef or pick up a Burger King or Macdonalds burger (they are known for using beef treated with ammonia aside from other nasty things in their meals), just think about what you’re putting in you with that beef fix!

And that is why we have become, as I like to call it, Organified!

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