Wednesday 21 December 2011

Colposcopy/ Biopsy Advice

This is just a little info about what I did before and after my colposcopy and biopsy. There is a lot of information out there on various websites and in leaflets but what I decided to do was as follows:-

Before the Colposcopy/ Biopsy

- No sex for 3 days before. The leaflets that the NHS will give you will say you’re fine to have sex even 24 hours before provided you use a condom. I don’t believe this. I think this would affect a colposcopy and even a smear test result. With condoms there is lubricant on them and thus, foreign bodies will be present on results. Without one, same goes for sperm. But never mind that – when you have sex your cervix will to some degree receive some amount (even the smallest amount) of bruising. I believe that this would show ‘abnormal cells’.

- No baths for 2 days before. Submerging yourself in bath water will allow water to travel to all your areas. That will include your soap/ bubble bath/ shower gel. I strongly advise too that if you need to shave then best to do that a week before hand as to avoid shaving cream/gel/soap from being present. Showering is better and best to let the water run over you. Don’t direct the shower to that area, just wash the outer lips. I know some women like to douche or use a finger to wash up inside – don’t do that!

- No tampons. Use only towels if you are due your period before the exam. Tampons can affect how your vagina walls and how your cervix looks as they do touch these areas.

After the Biopsy is Taken

- No sex for 4 weeks. A long time to wait I know! Some doctors and leaflets will say you can have sex one week later. I honestly don’t think that’s enough time to fully heal. A scab doesn’t heal in one week so why risk agitating an internal wound such as that? Smokers take longer to heal. I’m a smoker and I waited 4 weeks till I had sex again with my husband.

- No tampons. I think this is pretty self-explanatory as to why you should not use tampons after a biopsy (especially given the above note).

 - No baths or douching for 2 weeks. Again, water and soaps can get in there and you really don’t want anything infecting that sort of wound. You cannot even see that wound so I would say please, be very careful during this sensitive time.

 - No rough intercourse. Slow and gentle for the first time you do it again after the biopsy and try not to have your partner go too deep. I feel that the body needs to re-adjust after the trauma of a biopsy so it’s a good idea to try treat it like a delicate butterfly.

Obviously your doctor/ nurse/ specialist will give you advice on what to do but personally, I altered that advice I was given as to reduce the risk of any complications before and after. Remember – you will need a sanitary towel for your appointment but if you forget one then they do provide you with one.

Once the biopsy is done you should not have bleeding heavier than a period. For me I only ever got a bit of spotting that was brown and silver in colour (blood and the silver nitrate they used to seal things) and I used only panty liners. Everyone is different though and some people are ‘bleeders’. But keep in mind that if any heavy, overly painful and smelly bleeding and/or discharge occur then you need to go to your doctor ASAP! Do not think if you ignore it then it will go away. And definitely don’t think to yourself that you’re over worrying/ being an annoyance in going to see your GP or your Nurse Practioner - it’s a medical professional’s job to look after you and your health. (Plus you really don’t want an infection up there!).

That's my two-sense about it all bloggy-blog! And let me just add that I'm totally fine now *touches wood* and have started having sex with the hubby again, have had a normal period and I feel myself. Still waiting on my biopsy results (as I did mention in an earlier post I did today) so fingers and toes crossed hard it's not coming back as cancer.

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